Constellation: What do you desire?

Come and discover the dynamics of your longings with us! Through the work of (family) constellations you can discover many things hidden in your subconscious.

In this workshop you will discover more about your desire; what it is, what is standing in the way or what your desire wants to express to you; Learn about the basic underlying principles to see how systemic work works; Experience what it’s like to be in a constellation, how these dynamics work.

You will leave this workshop with more clarity on your desire(s) and a rich experience in constellation work. We hope to see you there!

About Emma:

I work as a psychodynamic therapist and energy worker in my practice in The Hague, where I offer both one-on-one and group guidance. I believe that it is possible for everyone to lead a relaxed and happy life. A life in which you prioritise yourself and make choices from freedom, trust, and connection.

About Hanna

I am dedicated to serving from love to guide people to their essence and remind them of all that is possible in life. Dreams truly have a tendency to become reality, but not without purpose. Alignment of our being is crucial for that.

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