General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions of Surfana Zandvoort

(Surfana Bloemendaal is part of Surfana Zandvoort)

Article 1 Definitions

In these general terms and conditions, the following terms are used with the meanings given below, unless explicitly stated otherwise. a. User/Organizer: Surfana Zandvoort v.o.f., located in Haarlem, which offers arrangements, activities, and/or services in the course of business. b. Representative: the person acting on behalf of the User (e.g., instructor or trainer); b. Client: the counterparty of the User as well as the participating persons on behalf of the Client; c. Activity/Arrangement: the service and/or activity or a combination thereof organized or offered by the User. These services and/or activities may include providing surf lessons to individuals, groups, companies, etc., in a recreational form and all activities agreed upon on behalf of the Client.

Article 2 General

2.1. These conditions apply to every offer, quotation, and execution of the agreed Activities/Arrangements between User and Client. 2.2. The Client accepts the applicability of these conditions by entering into an agreement with the User or by participating in an arrangement or activity. These terms also apply to all agreements with the User for which third parties are engaged in the execution. 2.3. Any deviations from these general terms and conditions are only valid if expressly agreed upon in writing. If one or more provisions in these general terms and conditions are null and void or annulled, the remaining provisions remain fully applicable. User and Client will consult to agree on new provisions to replace the void or annulled provisions, considering the purpose and intent of the original provision as much as possible.

Article 3 Offers and Quotations

3.1. All offers are non-binding unless a period for acceptance is stated in the offer. The quotations made by the User are non-binding and valid for 20 days unless otherwise indicated. The User is only bound by the quotations if the acceptance thereof by the Client is confirmed in writing within 20 days or if it can be inferred from the User’s actions that an agreement has been reached. 3.2. The prices mentioned in the offers and quotations include VAT and other government levies, as well as any costs incurred in the context of the agreement, such as mileage and transportation costs, unless otherwise indicated. 3.3. If the acceptance (even on minor points) deviates from the offer included in the quotation, the User is not bound by it. The agreement will not be concluded according to this deviating acceptance unless the User indicates otherwise. 3.4. A composite price quotation does not oblige the User to perform part of the order at a corresponding part of the quoted price. Offers or quotations do not automatically apply to future orders.

Article 4 Execution of the Agreement

4.1. The User will execute the agreement to the best of their knowledge and ability and in accordance with the requirements of good craftsmanship. 4.2. The User has the right to have certain (partial) activities performed by third parties. 4.3. The Client ensures that all information, which the User indicates is necessary or which the Client should reasonably understand is necessary for executing the agreement, is provided to the User in a timely manner. This includes the personal circumstances of those participating in the activity (especially relevant medical and conditional specifics, alcohol and/or drug use, etc.). Based on the information provided by the Client to the User, the User is always entitled to exclude participation by the Client or persons included in the Client’s party. If necessary, the agreement will be dissolved for that part without the Client being entitled to any compensation. 4.4. If the information necessary for executing the agreement is not provided to the User in time, the User has the right to suspend the execution of the agreement and charge the Client for the additional costs resulting from the delay according to the usual rates. 4.5. The User is not liable for any damage, of any nature, caused by the User relying on incorrect or incomplete information provided by the Client, unless the incorrectness or incompleteness was known to the User. 4.6. The Client indemnifies the User against any claims from third parties (including persons participating on behalf of the Client) who suffer damage in connection with the execution of the agreement, which is attributable to the Client (including failure to meet the information obligation by the Client and its participants as stated in this provision). 4.7. The Client is obliged (including persons participating on behalf of the Client) to follow all instructions from the User during the execution of the agreement, failing which the User may decide at any moment to terminate the execution of the agreement without the Client having any right to a refund of paid amounts or compensation. 4.8. If the execution of the agreement is delayed for reasons attributable to the Client, the User has the right to charge the Client for the additional time at the agreed hourly rate or shorten the Activity/Arrangement without the Client having any right to any refund or discount.

Article 5 Modification/Cancellation of the Agreement

5.1. If it appears during the execution of the agreement that a planned activity cannot proceed due to weather conditions or other circumstances at the User’s discretion, the User is entitled to substitute another activity without the Client having any right to (partial) cancellation of the agreement and (partial) refund of paid amounts or compensation. 5.2. If the parties agree to modify or supplement the agreement, this may affect the time and duration of the Activity/Arrangement. The User will inform the Client as soon as possible. If the modification or addition to the agreement has financial consequences, the User will inform the Client in advance. If a fixed fee has been agreed, the User will indicate to what extent the modification or addition to the agreement will result in an exceedance of this fee. 5.3. Contrary to the previous paragraph, the User cannot charge additional costs if the modification or addition is due to circumstances attributable to the User. 5.4.a. If the Client cancels an agreed Activity/Arrangement more than fourteen days in advance, the Client is obliged to pay at least 50% of the total amount involved in the activity/arrangement as quoted to the User. b. For cancellations by the Client less than fourteen but more than seven days before the Activity/Arrangement, the Client is obliged to pay 75% of the total amount involved as quoted to the User. c. Unless otherwise agreed, cancellation by the Client seven days or less before the planned Activity/Arrangement is not possible, and the Client is obliged to pay the total agreed amount to the User upon first request. 5.5. Cancellation by the User does not make the User liable for damages towards the Client. Once the User is aware that the planned and agreed Activity/Arrangement cannot or can only partially proceed, the User is obliged to inform the Client immediately (possibly accompanied by an alternative offer). If the Client decides to opt-out of the activity, the User is obliged to refund the received amounts to the Client immediately.

Article 6 Payment

6.1. The Client must pay the total amount at least 30 days before the Activity/Arrangement, in accordance with the standard applicable amounts or as specified in any issued quotation. If the agreement was concluded less than 20 days before the Activity/Arrangement, the Client is obliged to pay the total amount involved within five working days after concluding the agreement. 6.2. If the Client does not make the payment in accordance with the provisions of these general terms and conditions, the Client is in default by operation of law, without the need for a reminder or notice of default. The User is then free to cancel the Activity/Arrangement without being liable for any damages. 6.3. Once the Client is in default, the Client is obliged to pay, in addition to the total agreed amount, 1% interest per month and any 15% extrajudicial collection costs with a minimum of €150.

Article 7 Liability

7.1. If the User is liable for damage suffered by the Client due to the execution of the agreement, this liability is limited to a maximum of the amount charged and paid by the Client or the total amount paid out by the User’s insurance company. 7.2. Negligence on the part of the Client (e.g., not following instructions from the User), failure to comply correctly or timely with the agreement, or incompleteness of the information provided by the Client, which the Client reasonably should understand to be necessary for the User before executing the agreement, excludes any form of liability of the User. 7.3. The User cannot be held liable by the Client (including persons participating on behalf of the Client) for damage to personal belongings or loss thereof.

Article 8 Visual Material

8.1. The Client agrees that 1) photos and video recordings can be made of the client(s) during the activities/arrangements and 2) these can be used by Surfana and its partners for promotional purposes. If the client does not wish this, it must be explicitly stated in advance by email (to

General Terms and Conditions of Surfana Vlieland

Article 1 Definitions

In these general terms and conditions, the following terms are used with the meanings given below, unless explicitly stated otherwise. a. User/Organizer: Surfana Vlieland V.O.F., based in Amsterdam, which offers arrangements, activities, and/or services in the course of business. b. Representative: the person acting on behalf of the User (e.g., instructor or trainer); b. Client: the counterparty of the User as well as the participating persons on behalf of the Client; c. Activity/Arrangement: the service and/or activity or a combination thereof organized or offered by the User. These services and/or activities may include providing surf lessons to individuals, groups, companies, etc., in a recreational form and all related activities agreed upon on behalf of the Client.

Article 2 General

2.1. These conditions apply to every offer, quotation, and execution of the agreed Activities/Arrangements between User and Client. 2.2. The Client accepts the applicability of these conditions by entering into an agreement with the User or by participating in an arrangement or activity. These terms also apply to all agreements with the User for which third parties are engaged in the execution. 2.3. Any deviations from these general terms and conditions are only valid if expressly agreed upon in writing. If one or more provisions in these general terms and conditions are null and void or annulled, the remaining provisions remain fully applicable. User and Client will consult to agree on new provisions to replace the void or annulled provisions, considering the purpose and intent of the original provision as much as possible.

Article 3 Offers and Quotations

3.1. All offers are non-binding unless a period for acceptance is stated in the offer. The quotations made by the User are non-binding and valid for 20 days unless otherwise indicated. The User is only bound by the quotations if the acceptance thereof by the Client is confirmed in writing within 20 days or if it can be inferred from the User’s actions that an agreement has been reached. 3.2. The prices mentioned in the offers and quotations include VAT and other government levies, as well as any costs incurred in the context of the agreement, such as mileage and transportation costs, unless otherwise indicated. 3.3. If the acceptance (even on minor points) deviates from the offer included in the quotation, the User is not bound by it. The agreement will not be concluded according to this deviating acceptance unless the User indicates otherwise. 3.4. A composite price quotation does not oblige the User to perform part of the order at a corresponding part of the quoted price. Offers or quotations do not automatically apply to future orders.

Article 4 Execution of the Agreement

4.1. The User will execute the agreement to the best of their knowledge and ability and in accordance with the requirements of good craftsmanship. 4.2. The User has the right to have certain (partial) activities performed by third parties. 4.3. The Client ensures that all information, which the User indicates is necessary or which the Client should reasonably understand is necessary for executing the agreement, is provided to the User in a timely manner. This includes the personal circumstances of those participating in the activity (especially relevant medical and conditional specifics, alcohol and/or drug use, etc.). Based on the information provided by the Client to the User, the User is always entitled to exclude participation by the Client or persons included in the Client’s party. If necessary, the agreement will be dissolved for that part without the Client being entitled to any compensation. 4.4. If the information necessary for executing the agreement is not provided to the User in time, the User has the right to suspend the execution of the agreement and charge the Client for the additional costs resulting from the delay according to the usual rates. 4.5. The User is not liable for any damage, of any nature, caused by the User relying on incorrect or incomplete information provided by the Client, unless the incorrectness or incompleteness was known to the User. 4.6. The Client indemnifies the User against any claims from third parties (including persons participating on behalf of the Client) who suffer damage in connection with the execution of the agreement, which is attributable to the Client (including failure to meet the information obligation by the Client and its participants as stated in this provision). 4.7. The Client is obliged (including persons participating on behalf of the Client) to follow all instructions from the User during the execution of the agreement, failing which the User may decide at any moment to terminate the execution of the agreement without the Client having any right to a refund of paid amounts or compensation. 4.8. If the execution of the agreement is delayed for reasons attributable to the Client, the User has the right to charge the Client for the additional time at the agreed hourly rate or shorten the Activity/Arrangement without the Client having any right to any refund or discount.

Article 5 Modification/Cancellation of the Agreement

5.1. If it appears during the execution of the agreement that a planned activity cannot proceed due to weather conditions or other circumstances at the User’s discretion, the User is entitled to substitute another activity without the Client having any right to (partial) cancellation of the agreement and (partial) refund of paid amounts or compensation. 5.2. If the parties agree to modify or supplement the agreement, this may affect the time and duration of the Activity/Arrangement. The User will inform the Client as soon as possible. If the modification or addition to the agreement has financial consequences, the User will inform the Client in advance. If a fixed fee has been agreed, the User will indicate to what extent the modification or addition to the agreement will result in an exceedance of this fee. 5.3. Contrary to the previous paragraph, the User cannot charge additional costs if the modification or addition is due to circumstances attributable to the User. 5.4.a. If the Client cancels an agreed Activity/Arrangement more than fourteen days in advance, the Client is obliged to pay at least 50% of the total amount involved in the activity/arrangement as quoted to the User. b. For cancellations by the Client less than fourteen but more than seven days before the Activity/Arrangement, the Client is obliged to pay 75% of the total amount involved as quoted to the User. c. Unless otherwise agreed, cancellation by the Client seven days or less before the planned Activity/Arrangement is not possible, and the Client is obliged to pay the total agreed amount to the User upon first request. 5.5. Cancellation by the User does not make the User liable for damages towards the Client. Once the User is aware that the planned and agreed Activity/Arrangement cannot or can only partially proceed, the User is obliged to inform the Client immediately (possibly accompanied by an alternative offer). If the Client decides to opt-out of the activity, the User is obliged to refund the received amounts to the Client immediately.

Article 6 Payment

6.1. The Client must pay the total amount at least 30 days before the Activity/Arrangement, in accordance with the standard applicable amounts or as specified in any issued quotation. If the agreement was concluded less than 20 days before the Activity/Arrangement, the Client is obliged to pay the total amount involved within five working days after concluding the agreement. 6.2. If the Client does not make the payment in accordance with the provisions of these general terms and conditions, the Client is in default by operation of law, without the need for a reminder or notice of default. The User is then free to cancel the Activity/Arrangement without being liable for any damages. 6.3. Once the Client is in default, the Client is obliged to pay, in addition to the total agreed amount, 1% interest per month and any 15% extrajudicial collection costs with a minimum of €150.

Article 7 Liability

7.1. If the User is liable for damage suffered by the Client due to the execution of the agreement, this liability is limited to a maximum of the amount charged and paid by the Client or the total amount paid out by the User’s insurance company. 7.2. Negligence on the part of the Client (e.g., not following instructions from the User), failure to comply correctly or timely with the agreement, or incompleteness of the information provided by the Client, which the Client reasonably should understand to be necessary for the User before executing the agreement, excludes any form of liability of the User. 7.3. The User cannot be held liable by the Client (including persons participating on behalf of the Client) for damage to personal belongings or loss thereof.

Article 8 Visual Material

8.1. The Client agrees that 1) photos and video recordings can be made of the client(s) during the activities/arrangements and 2) these can be used by Surfana and its partners for promotional purposes. If the client does not wish this, it must be explicitly stated in advance by email (to

General Terms and Conditions Surfana Festival

The following terms & conditions apply.

General Terms and Conditions Surfana Festival

Article 1 – Applicability

1.1 These General Terms and Conditions apply to every offer and every agreement made between Stichting Surfana Festival and the person who orders/purchases an admission ticket for an event organized by Stichting Surfana Festival (hereinafter referred to as: “Surfana Festival”). These general terms and conditions also apply if these agreements are made via an official (pre)sale organization engaged by Stichting Surfana Festival for the relevant event (hereinafter referred to as “(pre)sale address”) and if the agreements are made via (hereinafter referred to as the “website”).

1.2 In these general terms and conditions, the term “event” refers to (music) performances and/or other manifestations in the broadest sense of the word.

1.3 The term “place where the festival is held” in these general terms and conditions refers to the actual place of the festival as well as all areas, spaces, fields, etc. around it that are part of the complex where the festival takes place.

1.4 The applicability of any general terms and conditions of the customer is expressly rejected.

Article 2 – Formation of the Agreement/Tickets

2.1 The agreement concerning the attendance of an event between Stichting Surfana Festival and the customer is established at the moment the customer orders/purchases an admission ticket for the festival from Stichting Surfana Festival, an official (pre)sale address engaged by Stichting Surfana Festival, or via the website.

2.2 An admission ticket may consist of a document provided by or on behalf of Stichting Surfana Festival or a barcode provided by or on behalf of Stichting Surfana Festival. The barcode is a unique code.

2.3 The admission ticket for the festival is issued once and grants access to one person.

2.4 The admission tickets are and remain the property of Stichting Surfana Festival. The admission ticket entitles the holder to attend the festival. Only the holder of the admission ticket who shows the admission ticket first at the start of the festival will be granted access. Stichting Surfana Festival may assume that the holder of this admission ticket is also the rightful claimant (the customer). Stichting Surfana Festival is not obliged to perform further checks regarding valid admission tickets. The customer must ensure that he/she is and remains the holder of the admission ticket issued by Stichting Surfana Festival, an official (pre)sale address engaged by Stichting Surfana Festival, or via the website.

2.5 From the moment the admission ticket is made available to the customer, the risk of loss, theft, damage, or misuse of the admission ticket rests with the customer.

2.6 Only purchases at the recognized (pre)sale addresses, via the website, or from Stichting Surfana Festival guarantee the validity of the admission ticket. The burden of proof lies with the customer.

2.7 The admission ticket consisting of a barcode will be provided to the customer via electronic communication (e-mail). If the customer has chosen to receive the admission ticket in this manner, the customer must ensure that this admission ticket can be provided via electronic communication and that it can be provided securely. Stichting Surfana Festival cannot guarantee the confidentiality of the provided admission ticket or its receipt.

2.8 Stichting Surfana Festival reserves the right to set a maximum number of admission tickets that can be reserved.

Article 3 – Prohibition on Resale, etc.

3.1 The customer is obliged to keep the admission ticket for the festival for himself and therefore not to resell it to third parties, offer it for sale, or provide it for commercial purposes. The only exception to this prohibition is the sale of admission tickets through a platform designated or recognized by Stichting Surfana Festival.

3.2 The customer is obliged not to make any advertisements or any other form of publicity in connection with the festival and any part thereof.

3.3 The customer who provides his admission ticket to third parties free of charge and not for commercial purposes is obliged to impose the obligations imposed on him as a customer as stated in the previous paragraphs of this article on those to whom he makes the admission ticket available and guarantees to Stichting Surfana Festival that these person(s) will comply with these obligations.

3.4 If the customer fails to comply with his obligations as stated in the previous paragraphs of this article and/or cannot guarantee them, the customer owes Stichting Surfana Festival an immediately payable fine of €5,000 per violation and €500 for each day the violation continues, without prejudice to the right of Stichting Surfana Festival to demand compliance and/or compensation for the damage suffered or to be suffered from the customer.

Article 4 – Other Obligations of the Customer

4.1 The customer is obliged to cooperate with a search if requested when visiting the festival.

4.2 The customer must be in possession of a valid and undamaged admission ticket both before the start and during the festival and as long as he is at the place where the festival is held. He is obliged to show his admission ticket at the request of Stichting Surfana Festival, the security personnel, and other authorized persons.

4.3 The customer is obliged to identify himself upon first request, both during the visit to the festival and when ordering the admission ticket, to enable Stichting Surfana Festival to comply with its legal obligations regarding events, including the obligation not to provide alcohol to persons under the age of 18.

4.4 It is forbidden to bring photo, film, and other recording equipment to the place where the festival is held, under penalty of confiscation for the duration of the festival.

4.5 It is forbidden to bring glassware, plastic bottles, cans, fireworks, (fire) weapons and/or dangerous objects and/or alcoholic beverages to the place where the festival is held, under penalty of confiscation of these items.

4.6 Recording the festival (for commercial purposes) in any form, including photographing, filming, and making (other) audio and/or video recordings, is prohibited without demonstrable permission from Stichting Surfana Festival, as well as reprinting and/or taking over from the program (booklet), posters, and other printed materials. All such recordings will be confiscated and destroyed without further ado.

4.7 If the customer leaves the place where the festival is held after entering, the admission ticket loses its validity.

4.8 The customer is obliged to comply with the house rules (, other regulations, and/or instructions from Stichting Surfana Festival, the operators of the place where the festival is held, the security personnel, the fire brigade, and other authorized persons.

Article 5 – Rights of Stichting Surfana Festival

5.1 In case of violation by the customer of (one or more of) the provisions mentioned in these general terms and conditions, Stichting Surfana Festival is entitled to invalidate the admission ticket or refuse the customer further access to the festival without the customer being entitled to a refund of the amount he has paid for the admission ticket (including service costs) to Stichting Surfana Festival, whether via a (pre)sale address or the website. Holders of invalidated admission tickets have no right to a refund.

5.2 Stichting Surfana Festival reserves the right to deny the customer further access to the festival or to remove him from the place where the festival is held if Stichting Surfana Festival reasonably deems it necessary to maintain peace and order during the festival.

5.3 If it is likely that there is forgery of the admission ticket, Stichting Surfana Festival is entitled to refuse the holder of this admission ticket further access to the festival, without the customer or this holder being entitled to any compensation for the damage he suffers as a result.

5.4 The artist and Stichting Surfana Festival are entitled to make visual and/or audio recordings of the festival and to use these images for promotional purposes for themselves or their partners or sponsors. Persons appearing in the recordings cannot claim any compensation.

Article 6 – Force Majeure

6.1 In case of force majeure in the broadest sense of the word, including but not limited to illness and/or cancellation of the artist(s), strikes, fire, bad weather conditions, epidemics, etc., Stichting Surfana Festival has the right to cancel the festival.

6.2 If the festival is canceled by Stichting Surfana Festival as a result of or in connection with force majeure, Stichting Surfana Festival is only obliged to refund the customer the amount stated on the admission ticket, regardless of the price the customer paid for the admission ticket. Refunds will only be made no later than twelve weeks after the canceled date at a (pre)sale address, upon presentation by the customer of a valid and undamaged admission ticket for the (canceled) festival. Service costs or other damages will not be reimbursed. Nor can the customer claim (substitute) access to another event.

6.3 If the festival is postponed to another date by Stichting Surfana Festival as a result of or in connection with force majeure, the admission ticket remains valid for the new date on which the festival will take place. If the customer cannot or does not wish to attend the festival on the new date, he is entitled to return his admission ticket to a (pre)sale address for a refund of the amount stated on the admission ticket, regardless of the price the customer paid for the admission ticket. This refund will only take place if the customer presents a valid and undamaged admission ticket to the (pre)sale address in time. If the festival is postponed to a later date, the customer cannot claim a refund of the aforementioned amount if he has not returned the relevant admission ticket to the (pre)sale address within four weeks of the rescheduled date on which the festival takes place. If the festival is postponed to an earlier date than stated on the admission ticket, the customer’s right to a refund lapses if he has not returned his admission ticket to the (pre)sale address within four weeks of the (old) date as stated on the admission ticket. Service costs or other damages will never be reimbursed. The customer also cannot claim (substitute) access to another event.

Article 7 – Liability of Stichting Surfana Festival

7.1 Stichting Surfana Festival is liable for direct damage suffered by the customer that is the direct and exclusive result of a shortcoming attributable to Stichting Surfana Festival. However, only damage against which Stichting Surfana Festival is insured and that is reimbursed by the insurer is eligible for compensation. The following are not eligible for compensation: a) consequential damage; b) intangible damage; c) damage caused by intent or deliberate recklessness of auxiliary persons of Stichting Surfana Festival.

7.2 Entering the place where the festival is held and attending the festival is done at the customer’s own risk, in the sense that Stichting Surfana Festival does not accept any liability for damage caused by said entering or attending, such as hearing, visual, and other physical disorders.

7.3 Stichting Surfana Festival will strive to execute the program as much as possible according to the announced schedule. However, it is not liable for deviations therein and for any damage that may arise for the customer and/or third parties as a result. Start times as stated on admission tickets are subject to change. The customer is obliged to regularly check (via whether the start time has remained unchanged.

7.4 Stichting Surfana Festival is also not liable for the content and manner of execution of the festival program, including explicitly the length of the program. Stichting Surfana Festival is also not liable for changes in the festival program.

7.5 Stichting Surfana Festival is also not liable for damage suffered by the customer caused by loss or damage to the admission ticket.

Article 8 – Personal Data

8.1 Stichting Surfana Festival processes personal data of customers and visitors to its websites in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.

Article 9 – Final Provisions

9.1 Dutch law applies to these general terms and conditions and to every agreement between the customer and Stichting Surfana Festival.

9.2 All disputes that may arise from the agreement between Stichting Surfana Festival and the customer or any agreement resulting therefrom will be exclusively settled by the competent court in Amsterdam. Stichting Surfana Festival is always entitled to designate another legally competent court.

General Terms and Conditions Surfana Summer Camps

(These general terms and conditions apply to the following Surfana products: Children’s Camp Zandvoort 8-12 years, Summer Camp Bloemendaal 12-15 years, Summer Camp Vlieland 12-15 years, Summer Camp Vlieland 15-17 years)

Article 1 Company Information

1.1. Surfana Summer Camps is a brand name of Surfana B.V., located in Haarlem.

Article 2 Booking a Summer Camp

2.1. By booking a summer camp, you agree to these general terms and conditions. If you are a minor, you declare that you have permission from a parent or guardian. After booking via our website, a booking confirmation will be made and sent by email. This confirms the booking. 2.2. Any method of booking is considered binding. The person who books the trip is jointly and severally liable, also for all others he/she registers.

Article 3 Non-Binding Offer

3.1. The offer from Surfana Vlieland is non-binding and may be revoked. This may occur, for example, when a vacation is fully booked.

Article 4 Payment

4.1. After booking a summer camp, you will have the option to pay for your booking directly via iDeal or to pay later. If you choose to pay later, you will receive an email with payment instructions. 4.2. The booking must be paid for no later than 3 weeks before the start of the booked summer camp. For bookings within 3 weeks before the start of the summer camp, the total amount must be paid immediately. 4.3. All summer camps outside the Netherlands must be paid by June 1 at the latest. Bookings after June 1 can only be confirmed when the total travel sum has been paid.

Article 5 Cancelling the Summer Camp

5.1. Cancellations must be reported as soon as possible after the event causing the trip (in whole or in part) to be canceled, by email. Please note that a cancellation is almost never free of charge. Surfana Summer Camps can only process a cancellation if it is submitted by email by the client/primary booker. 5.2. A fellow traveler is not jointly and severally liable and therefore cannot submit a cancellation. 5.3. After the booking is made, you can cancel the summer camp up to 3 weeks before the start. A €50 administration fee will be charged, and 100% of the booking amount will be refunded. For cancellations between 21 to 7 days before the start of the summer camp, the refund percentage of the booking amount is 50%. For cancellations within 7 days before the start of the summer camp, the refund percentage of the booking amount is 0%. 5.4. If you are no longer able to participate in the summer camp and you find someone else who can take your place, this can be changed free of charge.

Article 6 Travel Documents and Insurance

6.1. It is forbidden to travel with an expired passport or ID card. It is always the participant’s responsibility to have the required travel documents. Surfana Summer Camps cannot be held liable for this. 6.2. Taking out travel insurance is mandatory for all trips outside the Netherlands. If you decide not to take out insurance, Surfana Summer Camps cannot be held liable for damage that could be covered by travel and/or cancellation insurance.

Article 7 Identification Requirement

7.1. In the Netherlands, you are required to show a valid ID from the age of 14 when requested by the police or other authorities. Make sure to have it with you if you are 14 years or older. Since 2009, children under 14 years old must identify themselves when visiting a doctor or hospital. If your child does not have their own ID, we recommend giving them a copy of the parent’s passport. There is a safe on-site where all personal documents can be securely stored.

Article 8 Personal Information and Reporting Special Circumstances

8.1. Surfana Summer Camps requires the provision of personal information that may be relevant to the execution of the summer camp. This provision includes the participant’s age, as well as any mental or physical disabilities. 8.2. When booking a summer camp, we assume that the participant can swim (has swimming diplomas A and B), cycle, walk, and has no significant learning and developmental delays compared to their peers. The participant must be able to participate in the offered program parts without adjustments. If this is not the case, you are obliged to indicate this at the time of booking. 8.3. You are obliged to report any special circumstances, past or present, at the time of booking. Special circumstances may include: ADHD, medical conditions (physical and mental), diets, significant personal circumstances, etc. If a new special circumstance arises after booking a summer camp, you are obliged to report this to us. 8.4. If it turns out that important information that affects the participant’s functioning has been withheld, we reserve the right to immediately exclude the participant from further participation.

Article 9 Surfana Summer Camp Regulations

9.1. All participants of Surfana Summer Camps are required to comply with all instructions and rules to promote the proper execution of the summer camp. You must also accept the rules set by the present supervisors. 9.2. Any participant who causes or can cause nuisance or inconvenience, to such an extent that the proper execution of the summer camp is hindered and/or the name of Surfana Summer Camps is damaged, can be excluded from (continuation of) the summer camp by Surfana Summer Camps. Violating the rules set by Surfana Summer Camps may also result in exclusion from (continuation of) the summer camp. You are then not entitled to a refund of the non-enjoyed summer camp days, and all resulting costs are the responsibility of the participant. 9.3. In the event of exclusion, parents/guardians are obliged to ensure that the participant leaves the location within 24 hours at the latest and travels to another address on their own or under their supervision. 9.4. During the summer camp, at least one person (parent/guardian) must be reachable by phone. 9.5. Surfana Summer Camps makes every effort to provide participants with the best vacation of their lives. To achieve this, we have a few agreements to make the summer camp as enjoyable as possible for everyone. Meals are eaten together. If a participant wants to go somewhere independently, this can only be done after consultation with the supervisors and always together with at least two other participants. Mixed sleeping is not allowed. Going out always happens with the group and the supervisors together. This only applies to the 16+ participants of the 15-17 year group. The 15-year-olds will do another activity during the night out. Smoking is not allowed in our tents. The consumption or possession of alcohol and/or drugs is prohibited. 9.6. We are consistent in enforcing these rules. If a participant does not comply with the rules, an official warning will be given. Parents will also be informed. After the next violation, the participant will be excluded from further participation. In case of serious violations or criminal offenses (alcohol, drugs, violence), immediate exclusion will follow without an official warning.

Article 10 Liability of Surfana Summer Camps

10.1. Surfana Summer Camps can never be held liable for damage, loss, or theft of valuable items belonging to participants. Surfana Summer Camps advises participants not to bring valuable items, such as mobile phones and cameras, to the summer camp. This is not so much for safety reasons, but mainly to promote the social aspect of the summer camp. 10.2. Surfana Vlieland can never be held liable for the loss of luggage. If a participant forgets something important in the accommodation, it must be communicated as soon as possible (preferably by email) with the contact person on-site. If the items are found, they can be sent at the participant’s expense. 10.3. Lost and found items are kept by Surfana Summer Camps for up to 7 days after the end of the summer camp. These items can be returned at the participant’s expense. 10.4. If due to force majeure, such as bad weather or strong winds, certain activities cannot take place, Surfana Summer Camps is not obliged to refund part of the travel sum. Surfana Summer Camps is a flexible organization and will always provide a fun alternative. 10.5. The employees of Surfana Summer Camps are not authorized to make any statements regarding liabilities on the part of Surfana Summer Camps.

Article 11 Liability of the Participant

11.1. Each participant must check whether they are sufficiently insured for this specific summer camp. Make sure that surfing is also covered by the travel insurance. 11.2. The participant is liable for the loss or theft of materials provided for use during the vacation.

Article 12 Bus Transport Abroad

12.1. Our bus trips are conducted with luxury coaches equipped with a bar, toilet, air conditioning, stereo system, and DVD player. The coach companies with which Surfana Summer Camps collaborates all have the Coach Company Quality Mark. Only Royal Class seats are available on the bus. These are seats with a footrest, the backrest is further adjustable, and there is more legroom than a normal seat. Surfana Summer Camps operates non-smoking buses. Therefore, smoking is prohibited for travelers on the bus. Our buses are driven by experienced and qualified drivers. The general conditions of the transport company Directliner apply to the bus trip. 12.2. All buses have very limited luggage space. There is space per person for one bag or suitcase of normal size (max. 20 kg, dimensions max. 80x70x30 cm) and hand luggage (max. 2 kg). To ensure that all luggage can be accommodated, it is strictly forbidden to bring food packages or pack them in the luggage. If a participant has too much luggage, the driver is obliged to refuse it. It is possible to bring your own surfboard. A fee of €30 will be charged for this. We strongly recommend labeling all luggage with address tags. As we send the tickets by email, you will not receive luggage tags. We recommend using your own labels. It is also wise to mention your name and address on the inside of your suitcase just in case. 12.3. The pick-up times will be stated on the vouchers you receive about a week before departure. For safety reasons, everyone will be assigned a fixed seat on the bus. The bus drivers allocate the seats to the passengers so that everyone from the same reservation can sit together. The night rest will begin around 00:30. The radio and TV will be turned off, the necessary night lighting will be provided, and there will be no more stops for passengers. 12.4. If there is a small number of participants for a boarding point mentioned in the travel information, Surfana Summer Camps reserves the right to cancel this boarding point. You will be notified of this at least one week in advance. 12.5. The departure and arrival times mentioned in your travel information are indicative. If there are changes to the stated times, you will be informed. These changes can sometimes be many hours, so be prepared. 12.6. Surfana Summer Camps is never liable for delays caused by weather conditions, breakdowns, technical failures, traffic congestion, or other unforeseen circumstances. 12.7. If a passenger violates the rules or exhibits serious misconduct, they and their travel companions will be denied further participation in the trip. The full responsibility for all consequences resulting from exclusion from further participation in the trip lies with the passenger in question.

Article 13 Visual Material

13.1. During our summer camps, photos and film recordings are made. This material is used for the further promotion of Surfana Summer Camps in the broadest sense of the word. If you do not want visual material of you to be used for these purposes, you must indicate this at the time of booking.

Article 14 Apparent Errors

14.1. Apparent errors and mistakes on the website are not binding on Surfana.

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