Dream Explanation

What do your dreams mean?

Have you ever experienced dreams involving your former partner or being confronted by spiders? Your subconscious may be attempting to communicate something to you, often using emotions as its language. Upon waking, your mind instinctively seeks out the most resonant symbols corresponding to those emotions. The task lies in deciphering these symbols.

According to the Jungian approach, every element in your dream reflects an aspect of yourself. Whether it is a positive trait or a flaw, the characteristics you assign to people, animals, or objects are reflections of your own psyche. For instance, a spider might symbolise your creativity, while your ex could represent traits like inattentiveness, self-absorption, or aspects of your gender identity.

While some may consult dream dictionaries for interpretations, the more intriguing approach involves exploring your personal associations. Through analysis, you can gain profound insights into your personal evolution and growth process.

About Chiel:

I became interested in dreaming in 1995 after reading the book The Art of Dreaming by Carlos Castaneda. Experimenting extensively with lucid dreaming – becoming aware while in dream state -, focusing on dream analysis by attending dream conferences and courses and reading many many books, I am now happily informing others on the art of dreaming.

And while Surfana Festival is celebrating its 10th anniversary, I am celebrating my own 6th anniversary at the festival! No booking needed, just come find me at my sofa on the festival-ground and talk to me about your dreams.

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